Aisha's Summer Essentials: Oils for Outdoor Adventures


Summer is in full swing here in Portland, Oregon.

I’ve been kayaking, taking nature walks with my dogs and roller skating…and as you know, I never do anything without my natural tools!

For me, using essential oils is about practicing great self-care on the go. I’m often busy and I don’t want to let my health slide, so I am always sure to bring what I need for life’s little emergencies.

During my summer adventures, I use my essential oils to cool off, keep bugs away, save my skin and support my immune system.

This is my quick & easy guide to using doTERRA essential oils during the summer. Don;t leave home without your very own natural summer survival kit!

Note: You can click into each oil individually if you’d like to purchase it, or scroll to the end of this post for the link to get 25% off by becoming a doTERRA Member. I’m here to support you!

Peppermint: Cool off

It’s hot, hot, hot here in the Pacific Northwest. A couple weeks ago during that major heatwave, I was heavily relying on my bottle of doTERRA Peppermint.

Want to use Peppermint to cool off?

Pour 3-5 drops of Peppermint into your palm and rub your hands together. Cup your hands over your mouth and deeply inhale for 30 seconds. You’ll have some Peppermint residue on your palms - massage this into the back of your neck and your upper chest! It is going to feel so good.

I do this when I’m out on the water in my kayak, no joke. I am so grateful to have my Peppermint! Even 1 single drop of doTERRA Peppermint is chemically equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea. It’s that powerful!

Breathe blend: Breathe better

Breathe blend is so fantastic and I strongly believe every household needs it. I always have a bottle of Breathe in my bag!

Use Breathe to breathe better…

There are a few ways to use Breathe blend! I like to pour 3-5 drops of Breathe into my palm and massage it into my upper chest when I’m feeling congested or stuffy, or if seasonal issues with pollen are driving me crazy. You can also clear your airways by pouring 2-3 drops of Breathe into your palm, rubbing your hands together, cupping your hands over your nose/mouth and inhaling for 30+ seconds. Seriously, try it and feel your lungs expanding! It’s a beautiful thing.

You can also use Breathe to freshen the air in your entire home. Pour several drops into an essential oil diffuser and allow the oil to be vaporized into your air! This is particularly helpful if people in your home struggle with congestion, coughing or other respiratory issues.

Correct X: My favorite ointment

Finally, an ointment that helps skin recovery from damage…but doesn’t contain harmful, toxic chemicals. I love this little tube of Correct-x essential oil ointment! It’s made with skin-recovery oils like Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood and Sandalwood and is highly useful if you have a skin issue.

I use Correct-x for abrasions and minor injuries. I also love using it as a lip balm!

Terrashield: Repel Bugs

Terrashield blend was formulated with several bug-repellent oils like Lemon Eucalyptus, Cedarwood and Arborvitae. It has a beautiful aroma and helps you keep the pests away!

I toss this into my go-bag and spray myself down before I do anything outside.

I also use a spritz of this blend on my dogs’ collar, so if you want some guidance on using essential oils safely and effectively with your dogs, definitely email me for guidance.

Lavender: For bug bites, abrasions and sun skincare

Oh, Lavender. We all know that it’s super calming and relaxing to smell…but did you know that it is also helpful for natural skincare?

Lavender is a fantastic oil for skincare. I apply a drop to a bug bite to reduce itchiness and speed of recovery time. I also use it when I get a minor skin abrasion and apply it directly to my skin when I get too much sun! There are so many uses for Lavender oil.

Frankincense touch: Skin support

We have an expression in the essential oil community: “When in doubt, use Frank.” It’s multi-purpose and definitely in my top 5 essential oils I would NEED to have with me if I were stuck on a deserted island. Frankincense Touch is a very powerful natural tool.

Frankincense is the ultimate skincare oil.

I apply Frankincense and Lavender together to my skin when I get too much sun. I also use it on my skin when I’m recovering from any sort of injury or accident because it’s useful for cellular health.

For my outdoor adventures I usually prefer to bring Frankincense in a roller diluted with liquid coconut oil, known in doTERRA as “Frankincense Touch”. This is affordable and gentle for the skin. The roller makes it easy to apply on the go.

Onguard wipes: Sanitize surfaces

By now, you’ve probably heard me rave on about doTERRA’s immune support blend, Onguard. It smells like cinnamon and wild orange and it helps our body’s natural immune functions…and not we have natural Onguard wipes made with this blend, finally!

OnGuard wipes can be used to sanitize rented kayak oars, shopping carts, door handles, baseball bats…okay, now I’m just naming everything.

Honestly though, I suggest having these if you ever leave your house, ever. I love them!

Lemon: Cleanse & detox

No post about summer would be complete without discussing hydration! Make sure you’re drinking half your body weight in ounces every single day, and Lemon oil can help you stay hydrated.

I use Lemon oil in my stainless steel water bottle by adding 2-3 drops per bottle of water, drinking and enjoying the flavor and benefits.

Not only does doTERRA Lemon oil taste really great, encouraging me to hydrate on the go - it also helps you cleanse out toxins while retaining what’s good for you. Lemon is one of the cheapest essential oils in the market, and doTERRA oil is pure and high in limonene, the chemical constituent that cleanses the liver and kidneys. This oil is such a useful tool.

Get Aisha’s Summer Essentials at 25% off

Click into each individual oil above to purchase at Retail prices, or become a member below to get 25% off. Once you click into the cart, you’ll have the option of adding and subtracting oils from your shopping cart.

Aisha Harley