To Heal your Skin, Start from Within.


When you think of acne, you probably think of teenagers. But the truth is, acne can happen at any age.

If you have adult acne, you know what I mean.

I struggled with adult acne for decades until recently. I have a lot of advice on this subject as someone who has breakouts all through my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. It was so frustrating! I had cystic acne, hormonal breakouts, and other skin issues that were a constant struggle. I kept thinking, WHY is this happening at this stage of my life? Isn’t this supposed to be over? I desperately wanted clean, clear skin.

I always thought it would go away but it didn’t…until I worked on my gut health.

There were 3 things that helped me take control of my skin from the inside out, and I want to share them with you in case YOU are looking to clear up your skin too.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that I love to talk skincare! I love scrubs, serums, masks, anti-aging oil recipes, you name it. I love to talk about brightening, firming, toning and moisturizing all day every day.

But before you run and buy creams and gels and exfoliants, I suggest that you begin from WITHIN. This is the actual secret to great skin. Start with your gut health! Let me explain…

The 3 things that helped me heal my skin naturally:

#1: Water.

Okay, so we all know we’re supposed to drink water! But do you know exactly how much you’re supposed to be getting? And do you want to enhance your water-drinking experience? Let me help you become your most hydrated self.

First, take your body weight (or a rough estimate) and divide by half. That number is how many ounces of water you should be consuming daily!

Write that number down and plan to reach that goal number of ounces every day. Are you using a water bottle? How many ounces does it hold? DO you drink out of glasses? How many glasses will you need to drink? Sometimes simple things like this can be the difference in how consistently hydrated you are.

When we’re hydrated fully, our skin can properly heal itself. Many of our bodies’ problems can be solved just by drinking water. Try it and see!

If you’re someone who doesn’t love the taste of water, try adding a drop or two of your favorite doTERRA Citrus essential oil to your water. I do this every day!

My personal favorite is Grapefruit, but I also love Lime, Lemon, Wild Orange and Green Mandarin oils. Citrus oils can enhance the flavor of your water, but guess what else? They can help flush toxins out of your body. Grapefruit is a great choice because most people love it. Wild Orange is another common favorite!

When you first start using doTERRA pure citrus oils in your body, you might notice that you’re drinking water more consistently. But you might also need to urinate more often, because the citrus oils can cleanse out the bad stuff! Don’t worry - that is a detoxifying response and it’s a very good thing. Keep drinking water to make up for any lost fluids and support your body as it cleanses and detoxifies. Be sure to use glass instead of plastic. Citrus oils are so strong and effective at even breaking down plastics! How amazing is that?!

Citrus oils are among the most budget-friendly essential oils because they are so easy to sustainably and ethically produce. Click HERE to grab them at Retail prices, or if you’re getting multiple I suggest Clicking Here to activate a doTERRA account and get your oils at 25% off.

#2: Consistently taking a Gut-Healing Multivitamin


While many of us take vitamins, most of us don’t remember to take them consistently. This is one of the most common issues with taking care of our skin.

Taking poor-quality supplements and/or taking supplements inconsistently can do really weird things to our skin.

I personally recommend doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Pack vitamins (known in the natural wellness community as “The LLV”). They are ultra high-quality, anti-inflammatory, gut-healing and effective at balancing out your skin. The LLV is the baseline of health and can help you manage inflammation and other issues in your body.

I usually recommend the LLV if you have any of the following:

  • Acne

  • General skin issues

  • Mental fogginess

  • Mood swings and a struggle for better mental balance

  • Ongoing body pains and aches

  • Inflammation

  • Erratic nutrition

You can try it for 30 days and return the empty bottles if it does not work for you! Most of my customers see dramatic changes in their mental balance and energy levels 3-4 days into taking the LLV, and their skin usually begins to show significant changes 3-4 weeks into taking them. I suggest that you try them for at least a month (2 is better) and take note of how you see your skin clearing up… I hear reports of fewer breakouts, less painful/deep acne that is more surface-level, and faster healing times after breakouts. I would love to hear what your experience is.

Click Here to activate a doTERRA account and get the LLV vitamins. This link will help you save 25% on this and other doTERRA products. For help, feel free to email me at


#3: Digestive Support

In addition to a great daily multivitamin, I suggest supporting your digestive system. If you have acne, you likely also have issues with your digestion.

You might have frequent stomach discomfort, lots of food sensitivities and problems with your bowels. I have a few suggestions on how you can support your digestive system in order to keep your body clear of toxins or inflammation…which of course leads to breakouts!

My favorite doTERRA product for digestion is called Terrazyme. It’s a digestive enzyme supplement which helps you break down your food efficiently.

I take Terrazyme with almost every meal - especially heavy meals that contain dairy, carbs or sugars. My Terrazyme is usually in my purse!

Taking Terrazyme is a gamechanger. I hear wonderful things about how it helps clear up digestive issues, paving the way for better skin.

I also love DigestZen essential oil blend. If you get an achy stomach area, pour 3-4 drops of DigestZen into your palm and massage it into your abdomen for soothing relief. If you have sensitive skin, combine it with a teaspoon of coconut oil to make it gentler!

Click Here to get these 2 with a doTERRA account to save 25% on everything doTERRA.

These 3 things could be the beginning of clear skin for you!

I hope this helps you on your skin journey. I know these 3 things have been a huge part of my skincare routine and I turn to my gut whenever I have breakouts.

If you’d like support or if you’d like assistance choosing oils and supplements to fit your budget, email me at I am here to help!

PLUS: Want help setting a consistent daily routine? Click below to receive my Free Daily Habits Self-Care checklist!

Aisha Harley